
I loved and yet may have lost again; in tribute to an old writer that claimed the loss was worth the love. I do not doubt his accuracy, but rather the experience. I find myself, once again, writing on the aftermath of a chosen love. I wouldn’t even bother to express that the third time … Continue reading Time,

From work will set me free, to the truth will set you free.

I was afraid. More afraid, in retrospect, than I had been in some time. She was angry and I had no idea what would come next. She had been quiet for a few hours, in and of itself not a bad thing; but she had opened a bottle of wine. I knew then there would … Continue reading From work will set me free, to the truth will set you free.

Like Everyone Else

“So, just like everyone else? Thats what is bothering you, isn't it? The fact that you have to experience the same things as the rest of us, the masses.” An interesting point made in a conversation about a personal situation in my life. I had just finished telling my friend that its “not my style,” … Continue reading Like Everyone Else